Political Economy of Space 
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Henri Lefebvre說:「如果未曾生產一個合適的空間,那麼『改變生活方式』、『改變社會』等都是空話」。Lefebvre的警語,對於強調空間與環境規劃及設計做為一種介入性和轉化性實踐的學門而言,可說是十分受用,確認了社會轉變或改造必須考量根本的空間面向。然而,在能夠改造空間和社會之前,必須先分析社會/空間(空間性)的運作邏輯。就此,空間的政治經濟學分析,尤其是其中深受馬克思主義影響的流派,誠如Lefebvre開啟的典範所示,實為吾人不能不探討和運用的分析利器。


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第一講 課程介紹:空間的政治經濟分析 9/12
1.Brenner, Neil and Christian Schmid (2015) “Towards a new epistemology of the urban?”, City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 19(2/3): 151-182.*【必讀】
2.McCarthy, James (2009) “Marxist geography”, in Derek Gregory et al. (eds), The Dictionary of Human Geography (pp. 446-448). Oxford: Blackwell.(有舊版中譯,收於《人文地理學詞典》,北京:商務印書館。)
3.Peet, Richard (2005)〈基進地理學、馬克思主義與馬克思主義地理學〉,《現代地理思想》(王志弘等譯)(pp. 105-176),台北:群學。(原書出版於1999年)
4.Peet, Richard and Nigel Thrift (1989) “Political economy and human geography”, in Richard Peet and Nigel Thrift (eds.), New Models in Geography: The Political-economy Perspective (pp. 3-29). London: Unwin Hyman.(有中譯)*
1.Lefebvre, Henri(1993)〈空間:社會產物與使用價值〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 19-30),台北:明文書局。(原文出版於1979年)
2.Harvey, David (1994)〈時空之間:關於地理學想像的省思〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁47-79),台北︰明文書局。)
3.趙建雄(1992)〈馬克思與恩格斯對城市的研究〉,《地理學報》15: 127-146。
4.Sayer, Andrew (1995) Radical Political Economy: A Critique. Oxford: Blackwell.

第二講 馬克思主義城市理論概說(一) 9/19
1.Merrifield, Andy (2002) “Karl Marx: commodities and cities, with sober senses,” in Metromarxism: A Marxist Tale of the City (pp. 13-29). London: Routledge. *
2.Merrifield, Andy (2002) “Frederick Engels: backstreet boy in Manchester,” in Metromarxism: A Marxist Tale of the City (pp. 31-48). London: Routledge. *
3.Merrifield, Andy (2002) “Walter Benjamin: the city of profane illumination,” in Metromarxism: A Marxist Tale of the City (pp. 49-69). London: Routledge. *
4.Merrifield, Andy (2002) “Henri Lefebvre: the urban revolution,” in Metromarxism: A Marxist Tale of the City (pp. 71-92). London: Routledge. *
1.Katznelson, Ira (1992) Marxism and the City. Oxford: Clarendon Press.(王愛松譯(2013)《馬克思主義與城市》。南京:江蘇教育出版社。
2.Merifield, Andy (2002) Dialectical Urbanism: Social Struggles in the Capitalist City. New York: Monthly Review Press.
3.Harloe, Michael (ed.) (1977) Captive Cities: Studies in the Political Economy of Cities and Regions. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
4.Dear, Michael and Allen J. Scott (eds.) (1981) Urbanization and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society. London: Methuen.
5.Gottdiener, Mark (1985) The Social Production of Urban Space. Austin: University of Texas Press.
6.Logan, John R. and Harvey L. Molotch (1987) Urban Fortunes: The Political Economy of Place. Berkeley: University of California press.
7.Smith, Michael Peter (1988) City, State, and Market: The Political Economy of Urban Society. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
8.Tabb, William K. and Larry Sawers (eds.) (1984) Marxism and the Metropolis: New Perspectives in Urban Political Economy (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press.

第三講 馬克思主義城市理論概說(二) 9/26
1.Merrifield, Andy (2002) “Guy Debord: the city of Marx and Coca-cola,” in Metromarxism: A Marxist Tale of the City (pp. 93-111). London: Routledge. *
2.Merrifield, Andy (2002) “Manuel Castells: the city of Althusser and social movements,” in Metromarxism: A Marxist Tale of the City (pp. 113-132). London: Routledge. *
3.Merrifield, Andy (2002) “David Harvey: the geopolitics of urbanization,” in Metromarxism: A Marxist Tale of the City (pp. 133-155). London: Routledge. *
4.Merrifield, Andy (2002) “Marshall Berman: a Marxist urban romance,” in Metromarxism: A Marxist Tale of the City (pp. 157-173). London: Routledge. *

第四講 Henri Lefebvre:空間生產與都市革命 10/3
1.Lefebvre, Henri (1991) “Contradictory space”, in The Production of Space (pp. 292-351). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.*
2.Lefebvre, Henri (2003) The Urban Revolution (trans. by Robert Bononno). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.【選讀ch.1, 7, 8, 9】*
1.Lefebvre, Henri (1976) The Survival of Capitalism: Reproduction of the Relations of Production. New York: St. Martin's Press. (Original work published 1973).
2.Lefebvre, Henri (1968) Dialectical Materialism. London: Jonathan Cape. (Original work published 1939).
3.Lefebvre, Henri (1984) Everyday Life in the Modern World. New Brunswick: Transaction Books.
4.Lefebvre, Henri (1991a) The Production of Space.(trans. by Donald Nicholson-Smith). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (Original work published 1974).
5.Lefebvre, Henri (1991b) Critique of Everyday Life. (three volumes). London: Verso.
6.Lefebvre, Henri (1995) Introduction to Modernity. London: Verso.
7.Lefebvre, Henri (1996) Writings on Cities (translated by Eleonore Kofman and Elizabeth Lebas). Oxford: Blackwell.
8.Lefebvre, Henri (2003) The Urban Revolution (trans. by Robert Bononno). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
9.Lefebvre, Henri (2004) Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time, and Everyday Life. London: Continuum.
10.Lefebvre, Henri (2008)《空間與政治》(李春譯)。上海:上海人民出版社。
11.Shields, R. (1999) Lefebvre, Love & Struggle: Spatial Dialectics, London: Routledge.
12.Elden, Stuart (2004) Understanding Henri Lefebvre: Theory and the Possible. London: Continuum.
13.Merrifield, A. (2006) Henri Lefebvre: A Critical Introduction, New York: Routledge.
14.Goonewardena, K., Kipfer, S., Milgrom, R. and Schmid, C. (eds.)(2008) Space, Difference, Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre. New York: Routledge.
15.Stanek, Lukasz (2011) Henri Lefebvre on Space: Architecture, Urban Research, and the Production of Theory. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
16.Butler, Chris (2012) Henri Lefebvre: Spatial Politics, Everyday Life, and the Right to the City. New York: Routledge.

第五講 David Harvey:經典文選 10/10 國慶日放假 自修
1.Harvey, David (2016) The Ways of the World. New York: Oxford University Press.(時報文化即將出版中譯本;該書收錄文章多數已另有中文版)
1. Harvey, David (1969) Explanation in Geography. London: Edward Arnold.(高泳源、劉立華、蔡運龍譯(1996)《地理學中的解釋》,北京:商務印書館。)
2. Harvey, David, L. Chatterjee, M.G. Wolman, L.Klugman and J.Newman (1972) The Housing Market and Code Enforcement in Baltimore. Baltimore: The Baltimore Urban Observatory.
3. Harvey, David (1973) Social Justice and the City. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
4. Harvey, David, L. Chatterjee and L. Klugman (1974) FHA Policies and the Baltimore City Housing Market. Baltimore: The Baltimore Urban Observatory.
5. Harvey, David (1982) The Limits to Capital. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
6. Harvey, David (1985) Consciousness and the Urban Experience: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization 1. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
7. Harvey, David (1985) The Urbanization of Capital: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization 2. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
8. Harvey, David (1989) The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.(嚴嘉譯(2003)《後現代的狀況》,北京:商務印書館。)
9. Harvey, David (1989) The Urban Experience. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. (This book is an abridged version of The Urbanization of Capital and Consciousness and the Urban Experience.)
10. Harvey, David and T. Hayter (eds) (1993) The Factory and the City. London: Mansell.
11. Harvey, David (1996) Justice, Nature, and the Geography of Difference. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.(胡大平譯(2010)《正義、自然和差異地理學》,上海:上海人民出版社。)
12. Harvey, David (2000) Spaces of Hope. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.(胡大平譯(2006)《希望的空間》,南京:南京大學出版社。)
13. Harvey, David (2001) Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography. New York: Routledge.(王志弘、王玥民譯(2010)《資本的空間》,台北:群學)
14. Harvey, David (2003) Paris, Capital of Modernity. New York: Routledge.(黃煜文譯(2007)《巴黎,現代性之都》,台北:群學。)
15. Harvey, David. (2003) The New Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(王志弘、王玥民、徐苔玲譯(2008)《新帝國主義》,台北:群學。)
16. Harvey, David. (2005) A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (王欽譯(2010)《新自由主義簡史》,上海:上海譯文出版社。)
17. Harvey, David (2006) Spaces of Global Capitalism. London: Verso.(王志弘譯(2008)《新自由主義化的空間》,台北:群學。)
18. Harvey, David (2009) Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom. New York: Columbia University Press.(王志弘、徐苔玲譯(2014)《寰宇主義與自由地理》,台北:群學。)
19. Harvey, David (2010) The Enigma of Capital: And the Crises of Capitalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (陳靜譯(2011)《資本之謎:人人需要知道的資本主義真相》,北京:電子工業出版社。)
20. Harvey, David (2010) A Companion to Marx’s Capital. London: Verso.(劉英譯(2013)《跟大衛.哈唯讀《資本論》》,上海:上海譯文出版社。)
21. Harvey, David (2013) Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution. London: Verso.(葉齊茂譯(2014)《叛逆的城市:從擁有城市權利到城市革命》,北京:商務印書館。)
22. Harvey, David (2013) A Companion to Marx’s Capital, Vol 2. London: Verso.(謝富勝、李連波等譯(2016)《跟大衛.哈唯讀《資本論》:第二卷》,上海:上海譯文出版社。)
23. Harvey, David (2014) Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(許瑞宋譯(2016)《資本社會的17個矛盾》,台北:聯經。)
24. Harvey, David (2016) The Ways of the World. New York: Oxford University Press.

第六講 David Harvey:批判性閱讀 10/17
1.Zukin, Sharon (2006) “David Harvey on cities,” in Noel Castree and Derek Gregory (eds), David Harvey: A Critical Reader (pp. 102-120). Malden, MA: Blackwell. *
2.Sheppard, Eric (2006) “David Harvey and dialectical space-time,” in Noel Castree and Derek Gregory (eds), David Harvey: A Critical Reader (pp. 121-141). Malden, MA: Blackwell. *
3.Bob, Jessop (2006) “Spatial fixes, temporal fixes and spatial-temporal fixes”, in Noel Castree and Derek Gregory (eds), David Harvey: A Critical Reader (pp. 142-166). Malden, MA: Blackwell. *
4.Braun, Bruce (2006) “Towards a new earth and a new humanity: nature, ontology, politics”, in Noel Castree and Derek Gregory (eds), David Harvey: A Critical Reader (pp. 191-222). Malden, MA: Blackwell. *
1.Schoenberger, Erica (2004) “The spatial fix revisited.” Antipode 36(3): 427-433.*
2.Sheppard, Eric (2004) “The spatiality of The Limits to Capital.” Antipode 36(3): 470-479.*
3.Paterson, John L. (1984) David Harvey's Geography. London: Croom Helm.

第七講 David Harvey:寰宇主義與自由地理 10/24
1.Harvey, David (2014)《寰宇主義與自由地理》(王志弘、徐苔玲譯)。新北市:群學。【選讀ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9】
(原文:Harvey, David (2009) Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom (pp. 17-36). New York: Columbia University Press.*)

第八講 Doreen Massey:從空間分工到關係空間論 10/31
1.Massey, Doreen (1984/1995) “Social relations and spatial organization”, in Spatial Divisions of Labour: Social Structures and the Geography of Production (2nd ed.)(pp. 12-64). London: Macmillan.*
2.Massey, Doreen (1984/1995) “Uneven development and spatial structures”, in Spatial Divisions of Labour: Social Structures and the Geography of Production (2nd ed.)(pp. 65-120). London: Macmillan.*
3.Massey, Doreen (1984/1995) “Reflections on debates over a decade”, in Spatial Divisions of Labour: Social Structures and the Geography of Production (2nd ed.)(pp. 296-354). London: Macmillan.*
(以上有中譯本:Massey, Doreen (2010)《勞動的空間分工:社會結構與生產地理學》(梁光嚴譯)。北京:北京師範大學出版社。)
4.Massey, Doreen (2005) “Slice through space.” In For Space (pp. 106-125). London: Sage.*
5.Massey, Doreen (2005) “The elusiveness of place.” In For Space (pp. 130-142). London: Sage.*
6.Massey, Doreen (2005) “Throwntogetherness: the politics of the event of place.” In For Space (pp. 149-162). London: Sage.*
7.Massey, Doreen (2005) “There are no rules of space and place.” In For Space (pp. 163-176). London: Sage.*
8.Massey, Doreen (2005) “Making and contesting time-spaces.” In For Space (pp. 177-195). London: Sage.*
(以上有中譯本:Massey, Doreen (2013)《保衛空間》(王愛松譯)。南京:江蘇教育出版社。)
1.Cooke, Philip (ed.) (1989) Localities. London: Unwin Hyman.
2.Clark, Gordon L., Maryann P. Feldman, and Meric S. Gertler (eds) (2003) The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(有北京商務印書館中譯本:《牛津經濟地理學手冊》(2005))
3.Sheppard, Eric and Trevor J. Barnes (eds) (2003) A Companion to Economic Geography. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有北京商務印書館中譯本:《經濟地理學指南》(2008))
4.Barnes, Trevor J., Jamie Peck, Eric Sheppard, and Adam Tickell (eds) (2004) Reading Economic Geography. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有北京商務印書館中譯本:《經濟地理學讀本》(2007))
5.Corbridge, Stuart, Ron Martin, and Nigel Thrift (eds.) (1994) Money, Power and Space. Oxford: Blackwell.
6.Leyshon, Andrew and Nigel Thrift (1997) Money/Space: Geographies of Monetary Transformation. London: Routledge.
7.Hughes, Alex and Suzanne Reimer (eds) (2004) Geographies of Commodity Chains. London: Routledge.
8.Coe, Neil M., Philip F. Kelly and Henry W.C. Yeung (2007) Economic Geography: A Contemporary Introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell.(有北京商務印書館中譯:《當代經濟地理學導論》(2012))
9.楊友仁(2004)〈經濟地理學的制度轉向:一個理論性回顧與研究取向的建議〉,《國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報》,12: 69-80。

第九講 Doreen Massey:批判性閱讀 11/7
1.Saldanha, Arun (2013) “Power-geometry as philosophy of space,” in David Featherstone and Joe Painter (eds.), Spatial Politics: Essays For Doreen Massey (pp. 44-55). Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.
2.dell'Agnese, Elena (2013) “The political challenge of relational territory,” in David Featherstone and Joe Painter (eds.), Spatial Politics: Essays For Doreen Massey (pp. 115-124). Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.
3.Wills, Jane (2013) “Place and politics,” in David Featherstone and Joe Painter (eds.), Spatial Politics: Essays For Doreen Massey (pp. 135-145). Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.
4.Haesbaert, Rogério (2013) “A global sense of place and multiterritoriality: notes for dialogue from a "peripheral" point of view,” in David Featherstone and Joe Painter (eds.), Spatial Politics: Essays For Doreen Massey (pp. 146-157). Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.
5.Cumbers, Andrew and Paul Routledge (2013) “Place, space, and solidarity in global justice networks,” in David Featherstone and Joe Painter (eds.), Spatial Politics: Essays For Doreen Massey (pp. 213-223). Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.

第十講 資本主義與勞動地理 11/14
1.Herod, Andrew (1997) “From a geography of labor to a labor geography: labor’s spatial fix and the geography of capitalism.” Antipode 29(1): 1-31.*
2.Herod, Andrew (2003) “Workers. Space and labor geography.” International Labor and Working-Class History 64: 112-138.*
3.Herod, Andrew (1997) “Labor's spatial praxis and the geography of contract bargaining in the US east coast longshore industry, 1953–1989.” Political Geography 16(2): 145-169.*
4.Herod, Andrew (1998) “Discourse on the Docks: Containerization and Inter-Union Work Disputes in US Ports, 1955-85.” Trans Inst Br Geogr NS 23: 177-191.*
5.Herod, Andrew (2001) “Labor internationalism and the contradictions of globalization: Or, why the local is sometimes still important in a global economy.” Antipode 33(3): 407-426.*
6.Herod, Andrew, Al Rainnie and Susan McGrath-Champ (2007) “Working space: why incorporating the geographical is central to theorizing work and employment practices.” Work, Employment and Society 21(2): 247-264.*
1.Herod, Andrew (ed.)(1998) Organizing the Landscape: Geographical Perspectives on Labor Unionism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
2.Herod, Andrew (2001) Labor Geographies: Workers and the Landscapes of Capitalism. New York: The Guilford Press.
3.Herod, Andrew (2000) “Implications of just-in-time production for union strategy: Lessons from the 1998 General Motors-United Auto Workers dispute.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90(3): 521-547.*
4.Herod, Andrew (1991) “The production of scale in United States labour relation.” Area 23(1): 82-88.*
5.Herod, Andrew (1995) “The practice of international labour solidarity and the geography of the global economy.” Economic Geography 71(4): 341-363.*
6.Castree, Noel, Neil M. Coe, Kevin Ward and Michael Samers (2004) Spaces of Work: Global Capitalism and the Geographies of Labour. London: Sage.*
7.Thrift, Nigel, and Peter Williams (eds.) (1987) Class and Space: The Making of Urban Society. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
8.Harvey, David (1989) “Class structure and the theory of residential differentiation”, in The Urban Experience (pp. 109-124). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
9.Harvey, David (2010)〈階級力量的地理〉,收於《資本的空間》(王志弘、王玥民譯)(pp. 537-572),台北:群學。*

第十一講 國家�空間 11/21
1.Brenner, Neil, Bob Jessop, Martin Jones and Gordon MacLeod (2003) “Introduction: state space in question”, in Neil Brenner, Bob Jessop, Martin Jones and Gordon MacLeod (eds), State/Space: A Reader (pp. 1-26). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Lefebvre, Henri (2003) “Space and the state”, in Neil Brenner, Bob Jessop, Martin Jones and Gordon MacLeod (eds), State/Space: A Reader (pp. 84-100). Malden, MA: Blackwell.(原文出版於1977年)*
3.Brenner, Neil and Stuart Elden (2009) “Henri Lefebvre on state, space, territory,” International Political Sociology, 3: 353-377.*
4.Poulantzas, Nicos (2003) “The nation”, in Neil Brenner, Bob Jessop, Martin Jones and Gordon MacLeod (eds), State/Space: A Reader (pp. 65-83). Malden, MA: Blackwell.(原文出版於1978年)*
5.Brenner, Neil (2009) “Open questions on state rescaling,” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2: 123-139.*
1.Harvey, David (2001) “The Marxian theory of the state”, in Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography (pp. 267-283). New York: Routledge. (First published in Antipode, 1976)
2.Agnew, John, Katharyne Mitchell, and Gerald Toal (eds) (2003) A Companion to Political Geography. Oxford: Blackwell.
3.Delaney, David (2005) Territory: A Short Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.
4.Brenner, Neil (2004) New State Spaces: Urban Governance and the Rescaling of Statehood. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

第十二講 (再)尺度化與尺度政治 11/28
1.McMaster, Robert B. and Eric Sheppard (2004) “Introduction: scale and geographic inquiry”, in Eric Sheppard and Robert B. McMaster (eds), Scale & Geographic Inquiry: Nature, Society, and Method (pp. 1-22). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Brenner, Neil (2009) “A thousand leaves: notes on the geographies of uneven spatial development”, in Roger Keil and Rianne Mahon (eds), Leviathan Undone? Towards a Political Economy of Scale (pp. 27-49). Vancouver: UBC Press.
3.Miller, Byron (2009) “Is scale a vhaotic concept? Notes on processes of scale production”, in Roger Keil and Rianne Mahon (eds), Leviathan Undone? Towards a Political Economy of Scale (pp. 51-66). Vancouver: UBC Press.
4.Kipfer, Stefan (2009) “Why the urban question still matters: reflections on rescaling and the promise of the urban”, in Roger Keil and Rianne Mahon (eds), Leviathan Undone? Towards a Political Economy of Scale (pp. 67-83). Vancouver: UBC Press.
5.Jessop, Bob (2009) “Avoiding traps, rescaling states, governing Europe”, in Roger Keil and Rianne Mahon (eds), Leviathan Undone? Towards a Political Economy of Scale (pp. 87-104). Vancouver: UBC Press.
6.Swyngedouw, Erik (2009) “Producing nature, scaling environment: water, networks, and territories in Fascist Spain”, in Roger Keil and Rianne Mahon (eds), Leviathan Undone? Towards a Political Economy of Scale (pp. 121-139). Vancouver: UBC Press.
1.Herod, Andrew (2011) Scale. London: Routledge.
2.Sheppard, Eric and Robert B. McMaster (eds)(2004) Scale & Geographic Inquiry: Nature, Society, and Method. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
3.Brenner, Neil (2004) New State Spaces: Urban Governance and the Rescaling of Statehood. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4.Smith, Neil (1996) “Spaces of vulnerability: the space of flows and the politics of scale”, Critique of Anthropology 16(1): 63-77.
5.Brenner, Neil (1999) “Beyond state-centrism? Space, territoriality, and geographical scale in globalization studies”, Theory and Society 28(1): 39-78.
6.楊友仁、蘇一志(2002)〈地域競爭與空間政治:台灣南部科學園區的個案分析〉,《地理學報》31: 35-81。*
7.簡博秀、周志龍(2006)〈空間再層域化和國家:改革開放後的中國空間發展策略〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》18(1): 77-118。*
8.林子新(2011)〈找回尺度的階序結構:邁向空間的意識形態政治〉,《地理學報》62: 19-48。*

第十三講 縉紳化(一):誕生與爭議 12/5
1.Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater and Elvin Wyly (2008) “The birth of gentrification”, in Gentrification (pp. 3-38). New York: London.*
2.Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater and Elvin Wyly (2008) “Producing gentrification”, in Gentrification (pp. 39-86). New York: London.*
3.Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater and Elvin Wyly (2008) “consumption explanations”, in Gentrification (pp. 89-126). New York: London.*
4.Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater and Elvin Wyly (2008) “The mutation of gentrification”, in Gentrification (pp. 129-161). New York: London.*
5.Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater and Elvin Wyly (2008) “Contemporary gentrification”, in Gentrification (pp. 163-193). New York: London.*
6.Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater and Elvin Wyly (2008) “Gentrification: positive or negative?”, in Gentrification (pp. 195-236). New York: London.*
7.Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater and Elvin Wyly (2008) “The future of gentrification?”, in Gentrification (pp. 239-277). New York: London.*
1.Smith, Neil and Peter Williams (eds) (1986) Gentrification of the City. Boston: Allen & Unwin.
2.Smith, Neil (1996) The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City. London: Routledge.
3.Ley, David (1996) The New Middle Class and the Remaking of the Central City. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4.Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater and Elvin Wyly (eds)(2010) The Gentrification Reader. New York: London.
5.Brown-Saracino, Japonica (ed.)(2010) The Gentrification Debates. New York: Routledge.
6.Zukin, Sharon (1982) Loft Living: Culture and Capital in Urban Change. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
7.Zukin, Sharon (2010)《權力地景:從底特律到迪士尼世界》(王志弘、王玥民、徐苔玲譯),台北:群學。

第十四講 縉紳化(二):行星縉紳化 12/12
1.Lees, Loretta, Hyun Bang Shin and Ernesto López-Morales (2016) “Introduction,” in Planetary Gentrification (pp. 1-23). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.*
2.Lees, Loretta, Hyun Bang Shin and Ernesto López-Morales (2016) “New urbanizations,” in Planetary Gentrification (pp. 24-52). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.*
3.Lees, Loretta, Hyun Bang Shin and Ernesto López-Morales (2016) “New economics,” in Planetary Gentrification (pp. 53-82). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.*
4.Lees, Loretta, Hyun Bang Shin and Ernesto López-Morales (2016) “Global gentrifiers: class, capital, state,” in Planetary Gentrification (pp. 83-110). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.*
5.Lees, Loretta, Hyun Bang Shin and Ernesto López-Morales (2016) “A global gentrification blueprint?” in Planetary Gentrification (pp. 111-139). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.*
6.Lees, Loretta, Hyun Bang Shin and Ernesto López-Morales (2016) “Slum gentrification,” in Planetary Gentrification (pp. 140-170). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.*
7.Lees, Loretta, Hyun Bang Shin and Ernesto López-Morales (2016) “Mega-gentrification and displacement,” in Planetary Gentrification (pp. 171-200). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.*

第十五講 新自由主義城市:金融化與地產導向式發展 12/19
1.Hackworth, Jason (2007) “The place, time, and process of neoliberal urbanism”, in The Neoliberal City: Governance, Ideology, and Development in American Urbanism (pp. 1-14). Ithaca: Cornell University Press.*
2.Hackworth, Jason (2007) “Choosing a neoliberal path”, in The Neoliberal City: Governance, Ideology, and Development in American Urbanism (pp. 15-39). Ithaca: Cornell University Press. *
3.Hackworth, Jason (2007) “The reinvested urban core”, in The Neoliberal City: Governance, Ideology, and Development in American Urbanism (pp. 98-122). Ithaca: Cornell University Press. *
4.Hackworth, Jason (2007) “Mega-projects in the urban core”, in The Neoliberal City: Governance, Ideology, and Development in American Urbanism (pp. 150-171). Ithaca: Cornell University Press. *
5.French, Shaun, Andrew Leyshon and Thomas Wainwright (2011) “Financializing space, spacing financialization.” Progress in Human Geography 35(6): 798-819.*
6.Smart, Alan, James Lee (2003) “Financialization and the role of real estate in Hong Kong's regime of accumulation.” Economic Geography 79(2): 153-171.*
7.Weber, Rachel (2010) “Selling city futures: the financialization of urban redevelopment policy.” Economic Geography 86(3): 251-274.*
8.Klink, Jeroen, Rosana Denaldi (2014) “On financialization and state spatial fixes in Brazil. A geographical and historical interpretation of the housing program My House My Life.” Habitat International 44: 220-226.*
9.Fields, Desiree (2014) “Contesting the financialization of urban space: community organizations and the struggle to preserve affordable rental housing in New York City.” Journal of Urban Affairs 37(2): 144-165.*
10.楊友仁(2013)〈金融化、城市规划与双向运动:台北版都市更新的冲突探析〉,《国际城市规划》28(4): 27-36。*
1.Harvey, David (2010)〈聯邦丘觀點〉,收於《資本的空間》(王志弘、王玥民譯)(pp. 189-226),台北:群學。
2.Harvey, David (2010)〈從管理主義到企業主義:晚期資本主義都市治理的轉變〉,收於《資本的空間》(王志弘、王玥民譯)(pp. 503-536),台北:群學。
3.Brenner, Neil and Nik Theodore (eds)(2002) Spaces of Neoliberalism: Urban Restructuring in North America and Western Europe. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
4.Leitner, Helga, Jamie Peck and Eric S. Sheppard (eds)(2007) Contesting Neoliberalism: Urban Frontiers. New York: The Guilford Press.
5.Smith, Adrian, Alison Stenning and Katie Willis (eds)(2008) Social Justice and Neoliberalism: Global Perspectives. London: Zed Books.
7.藍逸之、李承嘉、林宜璇(2015)〈從擴大租隙解析都市更新條例之新自由主義邏輯:地產博奕或優質再生?〉,《都市與計劃》42(2): 109-152.*
9.張容瑛(2014)〈臺北都會區港口城市的困局:再生中的基隆?〉,《地理學報》72: 5-29.*
10.藍逸之、李承嘉(2015)〈作為制度舒緩的三生農業臺灣農地新自由化、調節過程與農業體制再結構〉,《地理學報》76: 25-68。*
11.藍逸之(2013)〈一個新自由城市、兩種都市政權?1997後香港都市治理的空間爭議〉,《城市學學刊》4(1): 87-139。*
12.周志龍、陳台智(2014)〈新自由主義都市開發策略的多尺度治理挑戰-大臺北新都會的案例分析〉,《地理學報》72: 31-55.*
1.Pike, Andy and Jane Pollard (2010) “Economic Geographies of Financialization.” Economic Geography 86(1): 29-51.*
2.Hal, Sarah (2011) “Geographies of money and finance II: Financialization and financial subjects.” Progress in Human Geography 36(3): 403-411.*
3.Lapavitsas, Costas (2013) “The financialization of capitalism: ‘Profiting without producing.” City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 17(6): 792-805.*
4.Rolnik, Raquel (2013) “Late neoliberalism: The financialization of homeownership and housing rights.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37(3): 1058-66.*
5.Kaika, Maria and Luca Ruggiero (2013) “Land financialization as a ‘lived’ process: The transformation of Milan’s Bicocca by Pirelli.” European Urban and Regional Studies, pp. 1–20. DOI: 10.1177/0969776413484166.*
6.Walks, Alan (2013) “From financialization to sociospatial polarization of the city: Evidence from Canada.” Economic Geography 90(1):33-66.*
7.Guironnet, Antoine, Katia Attuyer and Ludovic Halbert (2015) “Building cities on financial assets: The financialisation of property markets and its implications for city governments in the Paris city-region.” Urban Studies, pp.1–23. DOI: 10.1177/0042098015576474.*

第十六講 空間與權力 12/26
1.Allen, John (2003) “Introduction: lost geographies.” Lost Geographies of Power (pp. 1-12). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
2.Allen, John (2003) “Power through mobilization: from Mann’s networked productions to Castells’s networked fictions.” Lost Geographies of Power (pp. 38-64). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
3.Allen, John (2003) “Power as immanent affair: Foucault and Deleuze’s topological detail.” Lost Geographies of Power (pp. 65-91). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
4.Allen, John (2003) “Power in its various guises (and disguises).” Lost Geographies of Power (pp. 95-128). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
5.Allen, John (2003) “Proximity and reach: were there powers at a distance before Latour?” Lost Geographies of Power (pp. 129-158). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
6.Allen, John (2003) “Placing power, or the mischief done by thinking that domination is everywhere.” Lost Geographies of Power (pp. 159-188). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
1.Hirst, Paul (2005) Space and Power: Politics, War and Architecture. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
2.Painter, Joe and Alex Jeffrey (2012) 《空間與權力:政治地理學新風貌》(謝明珊陳坤森譯)。台北:韋伯文化。

第十七講 空間抗爭.城市權.空間正義 1/2
1.Nicholls,Walter, Byron Miller and Justin Beaumont (2013) “Introduction: Conceptualizing the spatialities of social movements,” in Walter Nicholls, Byron Miller and Justin Beaumont (eds.), Spaces of Contention: Spatialities and Social Movements (pp. 1-23). Surreym, UK: Ashgate. *
2.Helga Leitner, Eric Sheppard and Kristin M. Sziarto (2008) “The spatialities of contentious politics.” Trans Inst Br Geogr NS 33: 157-172.*
3.Harvey, David (2010)〈戰鬥性的地方主義與全球雄心:雷蒙.威廉斯著作中地方、空間與環境之概念政治〉,收於《資本的空間》(王志弘、王玥民譯)(pp. 227-273),台北:群學。
4.Harvey, David (2008) “The right to the city”, New Left Review 53: 23-40. *(有中譯)
5.Marcuse, Peter (2012) “Whose right(s) to what city?” in Neil Brenner, Peter Marcuse, and Margit Mayer (eds.), Cities for People, Not for Profit: Critical Urban Theory and the Right to the City (pp. 24-41). London: Routledge.*
6.Mayer, Margit (2012) “The ‘right to the city’ in urban social movements,” in Neil Brenner, Peter Marcuse, and Margit Mayer (eds.), Cities for People, Not for Profit: Critical Urban Theory and the Right to the City (pp. 63-85). London: Routledge.*
7.Goonewardena, Kanishka (2012) “Space and revolution in theory and practice: eight theses,” in Neil Brenner, Peter Marcuse, and Margit Mayer (eds.), Cities for People, Not for Profit: Critical Urban Theory and the Right to the City (pp. 86-101). London: Routledge.*
1.Harvey, David (2010)〈城市與正義:城市裡的社會運動〉,收於《資本的空間》(王志弘、王玥民譯)(pp. 275-303),台北:群學。
2.Smith, David M. (1994) Geography and Social Justice. Oxford: Blackwell.
3.Soja, Edward W. (2010) Seeking Spatial Justice. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.*
4.Marcuse, Peter et al. (eds)(2009) Searching for the Just City: Debates in Urban Theory and Practice. London: Routledge.
5.Fainstein, Susan S. (2010) The Just City. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
6.Mitchell, Don (2003) The Right to the City: Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space (pp. 118-160). New York: The Guilford Press.
7.Harvey, David (2012) Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution. New York: Verso.
8.Castree, Noel, Paul Chatterton, Nik Heynen, Wendy Larner, and Melissa W. Wright (eds)(2010) The Point is to Change It: Geographies of Hope and Survival in an Age of Crisis. Malden, MA: Jon Wiley & Sons.*
9.Castells, Manuel (1983) The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements. Berkeley: University of California Press.
10.Harvey, David (2000) Spaces of Hope. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
11.Lefebvre, Henri (1991) “From the contradictions of space to differential space”, in The Production of Space (pp. 352-400). Oxford: Blackwell.
12.Hou, Jeffrey (ed.)(2010) Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities. London: Routledge.
13.Martin, Deborah and Byron Miller (2003) “Space and contentious politics.” Mobilization: An International Journal 8(2): 143-156.*
14.Miller, Byron (2000) Geography and Social Movements: Comparing Antinuclear Activism in the Boston Area. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

第十八講 期末發表會 1/9
□ 修課同學發表期末報告。每人準備十五分鐘配合簡報檔的口頭報告

Cloke, Paul, Philip Crang, and Mark Goodwin (eds.)(2006)《人文地理概論》(王志弘等譯),台北:巨流。
9/12  課程介紹:空間的政治經濟分析 
9/19  馬克思主義城市理論概說(一) 
9/26  馬克思主義城市理論概說(二) 
10/03  Henri Lefebvre:空間生產與都市革命 
10/10  David Harvey:經典文選;國慶日放假自修 
10/17  David Harvey:批判性閱讀 
10/24  David Harvey:寰宇主義與自由地理 
10/31  Doreen Massey:從空間分工到關係空間論 
11/07  Doreen Massey:批判性閱讀;小作業:空間的政治經濟學分析 
11/14  資本主義與勞動地理 
11/21  國家�空間;期末報告計畫書 
11/28  (再)尺度化與尺度政治 
12/05  縉紳化(一):誕生與爭議 
12/12  縉紳化(二):行星縉紳化 
12/19  新自由主義城市:金融化與地產導向式發展;期末報告初稿 
12/26  空間與權力 
1/02  空間抗爭.城市權.空間正義 
1/09  期末報告發表會(PPT口頭報告);期末報告完稿